Список литературы к книге Джесси Банкрофт «Осанка школьников»

  1. BRADFORD, E. H., Flexion, or Bent-Knee Marching. N. Y. Med. Jour., Jan. 27, 1900, p. 109.
  2. BRADFORD (E. H.) and LOVETT (R. W.), A Treatise on Orthopedic Surgery. Wm. Wood et Co., N. Y., 1890. Round shoulders, lateral curvature, flat foot, etc.
  3. BULLARD (W. M.) and BRACKETT (E. G.), Observations on the Steadiness of the Hand and on Static Equilibrium. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. H, 1888.
  4. BURKE, FREDERICK, Growth of Children in Height and Weight. Am. Jour, of Psych., April, 1898. One of the most valuable summaries of data on growth of children; large bibliography.
  5. CABOT, RICHARD C., Physical Diagnosis. Wm. Wood et Co., N. Y., 1905. Points on chest, spine, and shoulder development.
  6. CHAILLE, S. E., Infants: Their Chronological Progress. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. XIV, 1886-1887, p. 893.
  7. CHAMBERLAIN, ALEX. F., The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man. Scott, Lond.; Scribner, N. Y., 1900. Erect posture; growth.
  8. CLARK, JOHN G., The Surgical Consideration of Congenital and Developmental Defects Leading to Obstinate Constipation. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., 1910, Vol. LV., August 6, p. 449. Discusses relation of posture to enteroptosis.
  9. CLEVENGER, S. V., Disadvantages of the Upright Position. The American Naturalist, Vol. XVIII, January, 1884, No. i. Original study of valves in the veins in their relation to the upright posture in mankind. Pathological conditions resulting from their poor adaptation to that position. Changes in pelvis and in neck of femur, due to upright position.
  10. CLEVENGER, S. V., Editorial discussion of Dr. Clevenger's article (20), Journal of Science, Lond., Vol. VI, 3d ser,, March, 1884.
  11. CODMAN, E. A., Chronic Obstruction of the Duodenum by the Root of the Mesentery. Boston Med. i id Surg. Jour., April 16, 1908, p. 503-Duodenum originally designed for horizontal position, and is disad-vantageously placed in vertical position.
  12. COOK, ANSEL G., The Question of Balance. An Elementary Study oj the Balance of the Human Body and the Relation of the Balance of Shoes, including Rules for Designing or for Judging the Efficiency of Shoes. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., July, 1907; May, 1909.
  13. COTTON, ALFRED CLEVELAND, The Medical Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, with Points on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Peculiar to the Developing Period. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phil, and Lond., 1906.
  14. COTTON, FREDERICK J.? School Furniture for Boston Schools. Am, Phys. Ed. Rev., December, 1904. This gives in substance Dr. Cotton's contributions to the reports of the Boston Schoolhouse Commission (see this Bibliog., No. 8), including a valuable digest of previous investigations in this country and abroad, and the results of his own work, especially on the seat-back.
  15. CUMSTON, CHARLES GREENE, Ptosis of the Abdominal Viscera Surgically Considered. Medical Record, Oct. 19, 1907, p. 639. General review and history of modern work on the subject of ptoses.
  16. DANE, JOHN, Some Effects upon the Leg of Pronation of the Foot. Trans. Am. Orth. Ass., Vol. X.
  17. DARWIN, CHARLES, Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Appleton, 1880.
  18. DAVIS, EDWARD P., Mother and Child. Lippincott, Phil., 1911.
  19. DICKINSON, ROBERT L., The Corset: Questions of Pressure and Displacement. N. Y. Med. Jour., Nov. 5, 1887.
  20. DICKINSON, ROBERT L., Toleration of the Corset: Prescribing where One cannot Proscribe. Am. Jour, of Obstet. and Dis. of Women and Ch., Vol. LXIII, No. 6, 1911. An original study, elaborately illustrated. Explains simple apparatus, and method for testing pressure of corset at different points. Gives bibliography on the corset from 1908 to date.
  21. DONALDSON, H. H., The Growth of the Brain. Walter Scott, Lond.; Scribner, N. Y., 1895. Proportionate growth of body and viscera.
  22. DUNLOP, JOHN, Relaxation of the Saero-iliac Synchondroses. N. Y-Med. Jour., Dec. 8, 1906.
  23. DUNLOP, JOHN, Further Studies of the Relaxation of the Sacro-iliac Synchondroses. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., July, 1907.
  24. ELLIS, HAVELOCK, Man and Woman. Scott, Lond.; Scribner, N. Y., 1904. Erect posture. Growth and proportions.
  25. EVANS (W. A.) and McHuGH (M. G.), The Shape of the Chest in Some Thoracic Conditions, and Especially in Tuberculosis. Medical Examiner and Practitioner, October, 1902.
  26. FEISS, HENRY O., The Mechanics of Lateral Curvature. First Paper: "The Mechanical Tendencies of Posture in the Normal ". Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., Vol. IV, pp. 1-37, July, 1906; other papers, April, 1907; October, 1907; January, 1908. An elaborate and valuable contribution to the subject. Illustrated.
  27. FITTEROLE (GEORGE) and GITTINGS (J. CLAXTON), Some Anatomical Features of the Child's Thorax and their Practical Application in Physical Diagnosis. Am. Jour, of Dis. of Ch., Vol. I, 1911.
  28. FITZ, GEORGE WELLS, Bed Posture as an Etiological Factor in Spinal Curvature. Trans. Am. Orth. Ass., 1898. Report of original study. Illustrated.
  29. FITZ, GEORGE WELLS, A Clinical and Anatomical Study of Resistant Forward Shoulders. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., April 19, 1906. A very valuable original study.
  30. FORBES, A. MACKENZIE, Internal and External Atony. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., June, 1912.
  31. FOTHERGILL, J. MiLNER, The Diseases of Sedentary and Advanced Life. London: Balliere, Tindall and Cox, 1885. Chest development as a factor in lung development. Recommends swings for children for effect on lungs.
  32. FOTHERGILL, W. E., Some Remarks on Corsets. Med. Press and Circ., July 8, 1903. Favors right kind of corset if not worn tight.
  33. GALBRAITH, ANNA M., Personal Hygiene and Physical Training for Women. Saunders, Pub., Phil, and Lond., 1911.
  34. GIBNEY, VIRGIL P., Contribution in Vol. II of System of Surgery. Edited by Dennis, F. T. ; Lea Bros. et Co., Phil, 1905. Flat foot, lateral curvature, etc.
  35. GIHON, A. L., Physical Measurements, in Wood's Reference Hand Book of the Medical Sciences, Vol. V, pp. 667-673.
  36. GOLDTHWAIT, JOEL E., The Importance of the Pelvic Joints in the Maintenance of the Correct Poise of the Body. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., June, 1909.
  37. GOLDTHWAIT, JOEL E., The Relation of Posture to Human Efficiency and the Influence of Poise upon the Support and Function of the Viscera. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Dec. 9, 1909. Indispensable to the technical worker and adapted also to popular reading.
  38. GOLDTHWAIT QOEL E.) and BROWN (LLOYD T.), The Cause of Gastrop-tosis and Enteroptosis, with their Possible Importance as a Causative Factor in the Rheumatoid Diseases. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. CLXII, No. 21, pp. 695-703, May 26, 1910. Of great importance for the technical worker,
  39. GOLDTHWAIT QOEL E.) and BROWN (LLOYD T.), The Recognition of Congenital Visceral Ptosis in the Treatment of the Badly Poised and Poorly Nourished Child. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., November, 1911.
  40. GOLDTHWAIT, JOEL E., An Anatomic and Mechanical Study of the Shoulder-joint, Explaining many of the Cases of Painful Shoulder, many of the Recurrent Dislocations, and many of the cases of Brachial Neuralgias or Neuritis. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., May, 1909. One of the most important studies of the shoulder.
  41. GOLDTHWAIT (J. E.) and OSGOOD (R. E.), A Consideration of the Pelvic Articulations from an Anatomical, Pathological, and Clinical Standpoint. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., June and July, 1905, p. 593.
  42. GOLDTHWAIT, JOEL E., A Consideration of the Round or Stoop-Shoulder Deformity. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., April, 1908.-
  43. GOLDTHWAIT, JOEL E., A Consideration of the "Round Shoulder" or "Stoop Shoulder" Deformity in Childhood, with Especial Reference to the Proper Adjustment of the Clothing in Preventing and Treating Such Conditions. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., Vol. I, p. 64, 1903-1904.
  44. HALL, G. STANLEY , Adolescence. Appleton , 1911.
  45. HALL, G. STANLEY , Youth: its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene. Apple-ton, 1907. A condensation of the larger work on Adolescence. Assumption and significance of erect posture.
  46. HALL, WINFIELD S., The Changes in the Proportions of the Human Body during the Period of Growth. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. of Great Britain and Ireland , 1895-1896, Vol. XXV.
  47. HALLECK, REUBEN POST, Education of the Central Nervous System. Macmillan, N. Y., 1899.
  48. HALLECK, REUBEN POST, Psychology and Psychic Culture. Macmillan, N. Y., 1900. Emotional expression and inhibition.
  49. HARE, SAMUEL, Facts and Observations on the Physical Education of Children, especially as Regards the Prevention of Spinal and Other Deformities. J. Churchill, Lond., 1852.
  50. HART WELL, EDWARD MUSSEY. School Furniture. Report of the Director of Physical Training, Boston . School Document, Nov. 4, 1895. A very valuable study of the subject, giving digest of foreign and other investigations.
  51. HARVEY, F. W., Gymnastic Treatment of Diastasis of the Recti abdomi-nales. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., June, 1912.
  52. HASTINGS, WM. W., A Manual of Physical Measurements, 1902. Basset t and Co., Springfield , Mass. Measurements at different ages.
  53. HERZ, M., Interference with Heart Action by Stooping. Theropie der Gegenwart, June, 1908, No. 6, p. 241.
  54. HOAG, ERNEST BRYANT, The Health Index of Children. Whitaker and Ray-Wiggin Co., San Francisco, 1910. A chapter on general hygiene of erects posture and one on the foot.
  55. HOLT, L.EMMETT, The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Appleton, N. Y., 1911. Relative chest circumference at different ages. Changes in chest proportions with growth. Ontogenetic acquirement of erect position.
  56. HUTCHINSON, JONATHAN, The Thorax. Article in Todd's Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Longmans, Lond., 1859.
  57. HUTCHINSON, WOODS-, Some Deformities of the Chest in the Light of its Ancestry and Growth. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., September, 1897. All of Dr. Woods-Hutchinson's articles are indispensable to the technical student of posture.
  58. HUTCHINSON, WOODS-, 7s the Consumptive Chest Flat? Jour. Am. Med [Ass., May 2, 1903 , p. 1196. A very important article.
  59. HUTCHINSON, WOODS-, The Form of the Chest in Phthisis and its Significance. British Med. Jour., Oct. 28, 1899.
  60. HUTCHINSON, WOODS-, Studies in Human and Comparative Pathology. H. J. Glaisher, Lond., 1901.
  61. HUTCHINSON, WOODS-, Foot Faults. Good Housekeeping, July, August, 1912. Two popular and very interesting articles on the foot, its use and hygiene.
  62. JACKSON, J., Handwriting in Relation to Hygiene. Seventh Int. Gong. Hyg. and Dem., Lond., 1891, Vol. 4.
  63. JAEGER, GUSTAV, Problems of Nature. Williams and Norgate, London, 1897. Biological development of the human foot. Effect on infant's foot of learning to stand and walk. Biological explanation of upright posture. Growth of certain bones produced by increased use and exercise due to erect posture. Relative length of legs and trunk; the part supporting grows relatively faster than the part supported. Relation of size of vertebrae to weight bearing and to exercise of the arms. Changes during growth in chest proportions and position of scapulas due to erect posture.
  64. JAMES, WILLIAM, Psychology. Henry Holt and Co. Relation of emotions to posture.
  65. JOHNSON, GEORGE E., Psychology and Pedagogy of Feeble-Minded Children. Fed. Sem., October, 1895.
  66. KELLOGG, J. H., Experimental Researches: Relation of Dress to Pelvic Diseases of Women. Tr. Mich. State Med. Soc., 1888.
  67. KELLOGG, J. H., Outline Views of the Human Figure. Battle Creek, 1898.
  68. KELLOGG, J. H., The Influence of Dress in Producing the Physical Decadence of American Women. Jour. Mich. State Med. Soc., 1891.
  69. KELLOGG, J. H., The Relation of Static Disturbances of the Abdominal Viscera to Displacement of the Pelvic Organs. Proc. Internat. Congress, Gynec. and Obstet., 1892.
  70. KELLOGG, J. H., Physical Deterioration Resulting from School Life. N. E. A. Report, 1896, p. 899. A very helpful and important article for both popular and technical readers.
  71. LAGRANGE, FERNAND, Physiology of Bodily Exercise. Appleton, 1890. Exercise and respiration. Automatism in exercise.
  72. LANE, W. ARBUTHNOT, Some of the Laws which Influence the Growth of Children. Trans. Seventh Int. Cong. Hyg. and Dem., Lond., 1891, Vol. IV, p. 103.
  73. LANE, W. ARBUTHNOT, Civilization in Relation to the Abdominal Viscera, with Remarks on the Corset. Lancet, Lond., Nov. 13, 1909 , pp. 1416-1418.
  74. LISTER, SIR J., An Address on the Influence of Position upon Local Circulation. British Med. Jour., London, 1879.
  75. LOVETT, R. W., Lateral Curvature of the Spine and Round Shoulders. P. Blakiston's Son et Co., Phil. 2d ed., 1912. Indispensable to the technical worker. One of the classics on the subject.
  76. LOVETT (R. W.) and REYNOLDS (E.), Method of Determining the Position of the Center of Gravity in its Relation to Certain Bony Landmarks in the Erect Position. Am. Jour, of PhysioL, May i, 1909.
  77. LOVETT, R. W., The Treatment of Round Shoulders by Forcible Correction. Am. Jour. Orth. Surg., Vol. II, p. 200.
  78. LOVETT, DAVIS, and MONTGOMERY, Arch, di Ortopedia, 1906, Vols. V and VI, p. 372. Study of curves at different ages.
  79. LOVETT, R. W. See also Bradford and Reynolds.
  80. LOVETT, ROBERT W., The Mechanism of the Normal Spine and its Relation to Scoliosis. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Sept. 28, 1905, pp. 349-358, June 4, 1900; Oct. 31, 1901, March 17, 1904; and in Am. Jour, of Anat., Vol. II, pp. 4, 457.
  81. LOVETT, ROBERT W., Round Shoulders and Faulty Attitude. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Nov. 6, 1902. Reprinted in Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., December, 1902.
  82. LOVETT, R. W. Discussion of Pronation of Foot in Standing Position and its Association with Faulty Attitude. Trans. Am. Orth. Ass., Vol. X.
  83. MANACEINE, MARIE DE, Sleep; its Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene, and Psychology. Walter Scott, London; Scribner, N. Y., 1897. Sleeping positions, etc.
  84. MAREY, E. J., Animal Mechanism. A Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. Appleton; Int. Sc. Ser.
  85. MARTIN, FRANKLIN H., Visceral Prolapse. Surg., Gynec., and Obstet., December, 1908.
  86. MARTIN, FRANKLIN H., Gymnastic and other Mechanical Means in the Treatment of Visceral Prolapse and its Complications. Surg., Gynec., and Obstet., August, 1912. Of especial value to the medical gymnast. Illustrated.
  87. MCKENZIE, R. TAIT, Exercise in Education and Medicine. W. B. Saun-ders Co., Phil., 1911. Exercises for lateral curvature and flat foot. Anatomy of movements of spine.
  88. MOSHER, ELIZA M., The Influence of Habitual Posture on the Symmetry and Health of the Body. Brooklyn, Med. Jour., July, 1892. An original study. Discussion by several physicians, including Dr. W. F. Dudley, who spoke of asymmetrical posture as a probable cause of obstructed nasal breathing and other defects of function and structure in nose and throat.
  89. MOSHER, ELIZA M., Habitual Postures of School Children. Educational Review, November, 1892.
  90. MOSHER, ELIZA M., Habits of Posture a Cause of Deformity and Displacement. N. Y. Jour, of Gynec. and Obstet., November, 1893.
  91. MOSHER, ELIZA M., Health and Happiness; a Message for Girls. Funk et Wagnalls, N. Y., 1912. An important book in which hygiene for girls is based on correct posture. Sex education.
  92. MUMFORD, A. A., Survival Movements of Human Infancy. Brain, Vol. XX, p. 290.
  93. MUNRO, Prehistoric Problems. Chapter II, "On the Influence of the Erect Position." Presidential address in Anthropology at Brit. Ass. at Nottingham, 1893.
  94. MUYBRIDGE, E., The Human Figure in Motion. Chapman Hall, Lond.
  95. OCHSNER, EDWARD H., Potential and Acquired Static Flat Foot. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., Nov. 23, 1907 . Observation on causes of flat foot, its hygiene, etc.
  96. O'FOLLOWELL, Le Corset. 2 vols. Maloine, Paris, 1908. Elaborately illustrated; gives full bibliography to date.
  97. OPPENHEIM, NATHAN, The Development of the Child. Macmillan, 1902. Facts in comparative development.
  98. OSBORNE, JONATHAN, On Some Actions Performed by Voluntary
  99. Muscles which by Habit become Involuntary. Dublin Quar. Jour. Med. SdL, 1859, Vol. XXVIII, p. 120. Orignial study of sleeping positions. Comments on erect position, no. PETTIGREW, J. B., Animal Locomotion; or Walking, Swimming, and Flying. Appleton, Int. Sci. Ser. in. POLK, W. M., The End Results of Surgical Operations for the Relief of Neurasthenia Associated with the Various Visceral Ptoses. Surg., Gynec., and Obstet., 1910, XI, pp. 476-479.
  100. PYLE, WALTER L., A Manual of Personal Hygiene. W. B. Saunders Co., Phil, and Lond., 1912. Chapter on erect posture by Goldthwait. Hygiene of the foot.
  101. RANKIN, F. H., Hygiene of Childhood. D. Appleton et Co., N. Y., 1890.
  102. REYNOLDS, EDWARD, The Etiology of the Ptoses and their Relation to Neurasthenia. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., 1910, Vol. LV, pp. 1943-1949. An important article for the technical student.
  103. REYNOLDS (EDWARD) and LOVETT (ROBERT W.), An Experimental Study of Certain Phases of Chronic Backache. A Combined Gynecologic and Orthopedic Investigation. Illustrated. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., March 26, 1910. Posture in relation to corsets and high heels. Good and bad corsets. Balance for determining center of gravity.
  104. RIBOT, TH., The Psychology of the Emotions. Scribner, 1906.
  105. Ross, JAMES, Diseases of the Nervous System. Wm. Wood et Co., N. Y., 1883. Function of cerebro-and cerebello-spinal systems in erect posture, walking, etc.
  106. ROTCH, T. M., Pediatrics. Lippincott, Phil., 1903. Surface anatomy of spine. Natural development of antero-posterior curves, Proportionate length of above at different ages from Rasenal, Aeby, Dwight, Symington. Chest index from Dwight and Symington. Natural changes in arch of foot. Hygiene of foot. Ontogenetic development of erect position.
  107. ROTH, BERNARD, The Nomenclature of Spinal Deformities. Lancet, Lond., 1911, Vol. II, p. 969.
  108. ROTH, BERNARD, Treatment of Lateral Curvature of the Spine. H. K. Lewis, Lond., 1899. Antero-posterior curves and their relation to lateral curves. Flat foot.
  109. ROTH, MATTHIAS, The Prevention and Cure of Many Chronic Diseases by Movements. John Churchill, Lond., 1851. Standing, walking, lying.
  110. SARGENT, DUDLEY A., Physical Education. Ginn et Co., Boston and N. Y., 1906. Need of training correct posture during growing years; relation to school life; proportionate growth of body, etc.
  111. SAYRE, LEWIS A., Orthopedic Surgery and Diseases of the Joints. Apple ton, 1876.
  112. SCHNEIDER, F. C. E., Those Little Postural Defects, Mind and Body, February, 1912.
  113. SCUDDER, CHARLES L., Seating of Pupils in the Public Schools, Boston School Document, No. 9, 1892.
  114. SHAW, EDWARD, R., School Hygiene. Macmillan, N. Y., 1901. Important chapters on school furniture and posture in relation to this and to school life.
  115. SHERRINGTON, C. S., Chapter on "The Muscular Sense", in Schafer's Text Book on Physiology. Special application to the erect position. An important study.
  116. SMITH, RAE, Intestinal Indigestion from a Surgical Point of View. Calif. State Jour. Med., 1911, Vol. IX, pp. 315-320. Considers relation of ptosis to indigestion.
  117. STECHER, WILLIAM A., An Inquiry into the Problem of Desks for School Children. Mind and Body, April, 1911. Read before the Am. Sch. Hyg. Ass., 1911. An extensive original study for standardizing the heights of unad jus table school furniture in different grades.
  118. STILLMAN, CHARLES F., Round Shoulders. Trans. Am. Orth. Ass., Vol. I, 1889. Discusses in general terms backward yielding of the spine.
  119. SYMINGTON, JOHNSON, Notes on the Effect of Tight Lacing upon the Position of the Abdominal Viscera. Edin. Med. Jour., 1891, Vol. XXXVI, p. 616.
  120. TAYLOR, HENRY LING, The Foot in Gymnastics. Am. Phys. Educ. Rev., December, 1902.
  121. TAYLOR, HENRY LING, Orthopedic Surgery. Apple ton, 1910. Besides treating of the usual antero-posterior deviations, this book describes and illustrates the various deformities which are likely to be encountered in any physical examination of large numbers of children; of great value to the technical worker.
  122. TAYLOR, JOHN MADISON, Physical Culture in Children. The Objects to be Attained. Pediatrics, Vol. XII, No. 7, 1901. Discusses erect posture.
  123. TAYLOR, JOHN MADISON, Remarks on the Treatment of the Visceral Ptoses. Phil. Med. Jour., Jan. 10, 1903.
  124. TOWNE, LILLIAN M., A Preliminary Study of Pupils' Attitudes. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev, March, 1901.
  125. TOWNE, LILLIAN M., A Continued Study of Pupils' Attitudes. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., March, 1902.
  126. TRETTIEN, AUGUST W., Creeping and Walking. Am. Jour, of Psych., October, 1900. A valuable original study of infant chest development, position of scapulae, and the physical and psychological elements involved in assuming the erect position and early locomotion. Hygiene of acquiring erect posture. Sleeping positions. Relative proportions of body. Early movements.
  127. TURNER, SIR WILLIAM, Some Distinctive Characters of Human Structure. Report of Brit. Ass. for Adv. of Sci., 1897. With special relation to the erect attitude.
  128. TYLER, JOHN MASON, Growth and Education. Houghton, Mifflin et Co., 1907. A very important work for both popular and technical use. Significance of bodily growth and proportions and their relation to education.
  129. UFFELMANN, JULIUS, Manual of the Domestic Hygiene of the Child. G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y. and Lond., 1891. Relation of chest circumference to body length at different ages. Development of physiological curves of spine. Sleeping positions.
  130. WARNER, FRANCIS, Physical Expression. Apple ton, 1893. A study of the element of expression in various postures.
  131. WHITMAN, ROYAL, A Treatise on Orthopedic Surgery. Lea et Febiger, N. Y. and Phil., 1910. Antero-posterior curves and their exaggerations. The foot, its structure, action, and hygiene. Proper chest proportions.
  132. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Some Remarks on Chlorosis. Med. Press and Circ., Vol. 75, June 24, 1903. Relation of tight dressing to anaemia in early adolescence. II
  133. BOWEN, WILBUR P., The Mechanics of Bodily Exercise. Published by author, State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1909. Anatomy and action of joints and muscles. Chapter on posture.
  134. BRAUNE and BELLAMY, Topographical Anatomy.
  135. CUNNINGHAM, D. J., Lumbar Curve in Man and the Apes. Cunning-ham Memoirs, No. II; Proc. Royal Irish Acad., Dublin. Also in Nature, Vol. XXXIII, p. 378, 1886.
  136. CUNNINGHAM, D. J., Text Book of Anatomy. Wm. Wood et Sons, N. Y.
  137. D WIGHT, THOMAS, Frozen Sections of a Child. Wm. Wood et Co., N. Y., 1881.
  138. FOSTER, M., A Text-Book of Physiology. Macmillan, 1904.
  139. GERRISH, F. H., Textbook of Anatomy. By American authors; Lea Bros., Phil, and N. Y., 1902.
  140. GRAY, HENRY, Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Lea et Febiger, Phil, 1908.
  141. HUXLEY, THOMAS H., Lessons in Elementary Physiology. Macmillan, 1912. The erect position and how maintained.
  142. LUCIANI, LUIGI, Human Physiology. Macmillan, 1911.
  143. MARTIN, H. NEWELL, The Human Body. Henry Holt et Co., N. Y.
  144. MORRIS, HENRY, A Treatise on Human Anatomy. J. and A. Churchill, Lond., 1902.
  145. PIERSOL, GEORGE A., Human Anatomy. Lippincott, Phil., 1907.
  146. QUAIN'S Anatomy. Edited by Schafer and Thane. Longmans, Green, et Co., Lond. and N. Y., 1894. Vol. II, Pt. II, pp. 161-162. Effect of antero-posterior curve of spine on ribs. Effect of obliquity of ribs in respiratory movements.
  147. CHAFER, E. A., Text Book of Physiology. Pentland, Edinborough, and Lond., 1900. Center of gravity in human body. Review of investigallons to 1900. Mechanics of different positions and activities, including erect posture and walking. The effect of posture on the circulation.
  148. SEAVER, JAY W., Anthropometry and Physical Examination. Published by the author. New Haven, Conn.
  149. SKARSTROM, WILLIAM, Gymnastic Kinesiology; a Manual of the Mechanism oj Gymnastic Movements. F, A. Bassett and Co., Springfield, Mass. , 1909. A very helpful work in applied anatomy. Discusses the muscular action in various types of poor posture and their correction,
  150. VIERORDT, H., Daten und Tabullen. Jena, 1906.
  151. CARPENTER, CHARLES W., Profit-making Management. Published by Engineering Magazine, N. Y.
  152. EMERSON, HARRINGTON, Efficiency as a Basis for Operation and Wages. The Engineering Magazine, Pub., N. Y., 3d ed., revised and enlarged, 1912. One of the classics on the subject.
  153. EMERSON, HARRINGTON, The Twelve Principles of Efficiency. The Engineering Magazine, Pub., 1912. A book of fundamental importance.
  154. GILBRETH, FRANK B., Motion Study: a Method for Increasing the Efficiency of Workmen. D. van Nostrand Co., N. Y., 1911.
  155. GILLETTE and DANA, Cost Keeping. Published by Engineering Magazine., N. Y.
  156. GRANT, Work, Wages, and Profit. Published by Engineering Magazine, N. Y.
  157. TAYLOR, FREDERICK WINSLOW, The Principles of Scientific Management. Harper et Bros., Pub., N. Y. and Lond., 1911. One of the very important books on the subject.
  158. TAYLOR, FREDERICK WINSLOW, Shop Management. Harper et Bros.
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